Normally I don't rate convenience stores, but in this case I'm making an exception. We were wandering around Bella Vista over the weekend and a new store had popped up at the corner of Lancashire and Forest Hills. We stopped for gas and then Frank ran in for some coffee. There was a huge line inside buying donuts, so Frank bought some. Let me say right now, that
Casey's has the best cake donuts in Northwest Arkansas!
I was amazed! The regular donuts were very good too - they were moist and yummy. But the cake donuts were fabulous! The plain cake donuts were moist and tasty, with a hint of nutmeg. Or, as Frank says, "that's how they're supposed to taste." I usually don't eat cake donuts because they're so dry, but I loved these. I also had a chocolate covered regular donut. It sat around till late afternoon, and when I finally ate it, it was still moist too. The donuts from Harp's and Royal are usually dried out by then.
We also tried the apple fritters. I haven't had a good one in years - usually they're too sweet or too glazed. The ones at Casey's were pretty good. You can actually see apple chunks in the fritter, and it's not too sweet. We were pleasantly surprised by that. Overall, I'd have to rate Casey's as one of the best donut shops in the area. Four stars.
We finally ate something besides doughnuts. Cookies: I thought they were a bit generic, but the icing is good. Brownies: Fairly generic. Subs: Not bad. At least as good as Subway/Quizno's if not better. And the pricing is similar - $5 for regular 12" subs, $3.79 for regular 6" subs. And they seem concerned about the quality. The last time I ate at Quizno's I got sick, and ditto Frank for Subway. I still say 4 to 4-1/2 stars for doughnuts, but 3-1/2 for food.