Monday, April 2, 2012

Pink Slime Sucks!

I felt the need to weigh in on this issue, because I'm really tired of hearing companies talk about how "finely textured beef" is healthy and the same as regular beef.  Well, it's not!

I used to live in Louisiana, in a small area where I couldn't get a lot of healthy foods (at least that I could afford).  My main source of meat was beef in those 5 lb. "chubs."  Those long tubes of meat.  I ate that for several years, until I moved to Northwest Arkansas.  Here, I started shopping at Harp's, which actually has butchers and doesn't add solutions, etc. to their meat.  Imagine my surprise when I tasted the beef - it was wonderful!  I couldn't believe that it tasted so much better than the chubs I used to get. 

After a few years in Arkansas, I went shopping one day and saw the old chubs that I used to buy.  One of them had been opened and sliced into thick patty shapes.  And it looked so disgusting I couldn't believe that I used to eat that crap!  Now, I don't know for certain that it has pink slime in it, but that was the only reason I could come up with for the difference in taste and look.

Another reason for no pink slime - health.  My health has improved dramatically since I moved to NWA.  So if you want my tips for a healthier you:
  • Stop drinking sodas!  High fructose corn syrup is not healthy, and neither are artificial sweeteners.
  • Stop eating fast food.  Or at least limit it to once a week.  If you can go for a solid month without fast food, your taste buds will start working again and you may never eat fast food again!
  • Buy meat from somewhere with a butcher, and No Pink Slime!
It really does make a difference.